Lucky Loop Medical AB aims to improve the diagnosis of all cystic lesions. However, pancreatic cancer has the lowest five-year survival among all cancers and is estimated to be the second deadliest by 2030, making pancreatic cysts our the company’s priority. With a core team of PhDs in medical engineering and gastroenterology, Lucky Loop Medical develops the world’s smallest brush for minimally invasive diagnosis of pancreatic cysts during endoscopic-guided fine needle aspiration. With an easily transferable technology to the operating room, the company team aims to directly affect 14% of pancreatic cancers and the diagnosis of 4 million potentially cancerous cysts worldwide.

Lucky Loop Medical’s founders include MedTechLabs researcher Niclas Roxhed.

Emune specialises in bioelectronic medicine. Discoveries in immunology and neuroscience show that inflammation is regulated by nerve signals. Technologies targeting these nerves can regulate the molecular mechanisms underlying inflammation and treat diseases. Emune is developing technologies that enable activation of virtually any target nerve without surgery. The company was founded in 2018.

Emune’s founders include MedTechLabs researcher Peder Olofsson.

Magnephy focuses on 3D imaging of the kidneys and develops new protocols in optical tissue pathology, with the aim of improving and levelling the differences in the assessment of kidney diseases by hospitals. Magnephy also helps pharmaceutical companies with molecular and morphological quantitative kidney imaging to support drug testing. The company was founded in 2023.

Its founders include MedTechLabs researchers Hans Blom, Robin Ebbestad and David Unnersjö-Jess.

Prismatic Sensors, since 2021 a part of GE Healthcare, is a spin-out from KTH Royal Institute of Technology that develops a silicon-based detector for photon counting spectral computed tomography. The solution includes increased contrast, sharper spatial X-ray images and lower radiation doses for the patient. A prototype of the technology is installed in MedTechLab's premises at BioClinicum in Solna, where further testing and user development is taking place. The company was founded in 2011.

The company’s founders include MedTechLabs researcher Mats Danielsson.

Stratipath is a spin-out from Karolinska Institutet that uses deep learning technology (AI) to provide risk profiling of cancer tumours. The company's cloud-based SaaS solutions are used in clinical settings and are based on cutting-edge research. Stratipath makes precision diagnostics available to more patients at a lower cost and in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods. The company was founded in 2019.

Its founders include MedTechLabs researchers Mattias Rantalainen and Johan Hartman.
Read our interview with Fredrik Wetterhall, CEO, about how they met and started Stratipath.

Stratipath in media:
“Here are the impact companies that won awards in Almedalen” (2024): link
“The mighty list: Here are Sweden’s best tech startups in 2023”: link
“This year’s Athena Prize winner sorts breast cancer with AI” (2022): link
“Hagströmer invests in Swedish ai – wants to revolutionise cancer care” (2021): link
“KI Innovations brings in six new companies” (2020): link